Wish You Were Here

Sunday, April 30, 2006

I'm Joining the 21st Century...

Well, I finally did it! I plopped down my cash for a fancy new computer. I am the proud owner of a MacBook Pro. It has too many bells and whistles, but I love the bigger screen (I was using an iBook). I'm stumbling through Office:mac, but I'll get the hang of it soon enough. The "genius" at the Apple Store was trying to sell me on the computer by telling me that it can create movies, videos...apparently the look of confusion did nothing because he then starting droning on and on about gigabyte, megabyte, RAM...yeah, I was confused. In fact, at one point, I simply said, "Yeah, that makes no sense to me." I'm sure my brother was dying of laughter inside. I'm so clueless when it comes to technology. But I'm loving the new computer! It's faster, prettier, and the keyboard lights up when I cover the speakers (don't ask). The only major bummer is the fact that because it's titanium, the bottom gets really, really, REALLY hot, so essentially, you can't "use" this as a laptop since it will burn your lap.

Now if I could only figure out how to transfer the information from my iBook to my MacBook Pro, I'll be set. :)


Thursday, April 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Mo!

Hope you have a great day!!! Is Mark really in charge of the 20 year reunion?? Dang, you guys are in trouble. Anyway- have a wonderful day and we will see you tomorrow night.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Hey kids, I guess I'll be seeing most of you Friday night. We need to send Sir John off with a bang! God, he's going to be missed.

Not much else to report here. Tomorrow is my birthday and I can't believe I'm going to be 36. Lord, where did the time go? It flew by. Can you believe in two years we are going to be celebrating our 20 year reunion? What is UP! And Mark better not choose the Anaheim Sheraton. We need swanky, not skanky. Good luck with that. Do we even have any money?

Alright I better get back to my work...today I'm actually super busy. I just thought I'd post on my non-existant lunch break.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

EDHS Film Festival

This is yet another shameless plug for an El Dorado event. Mark started a film festival a few years ago and this year he has quite a large number of entries. They will be screened on Friday, April 28th at 7pm in the EDHS theatre and we would love for you guys to come down to see some of the films. Its just a fun night of student work, but Mark works really hard on it.... so if you are free and looking for a way to entertain yourself - come on down.