Wish You Were Here

Monday, July 30, 2007

Pics from the Big Bear camping trip

Here are the pictures I took at our Big Bear camping trip back in June. There are about 50 pics here in all and I have set up a permanent web site for them just like the 7/21 BBQ pictures. Eventually I will just create our own website that will include the blog and all the pictures I can get my hands on. Click on either picture, the word LINK down below or the permanent link on the right sidebar to go to the full web page. Once again - if you would like the originals of any of these pictures - just let me know.


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pictures from the 7/21 BBQ

Click on the link to go to see the pictures from the BBQ

Thursday, July 19, 2007

How Rad is Abby?

She's throwing up gang signs!
And she knows she's all that!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Indulge me, please...

I know that some of you have already taken the Meyers-Briggs before...but I thought that if you all took this shortened version...then we could have some good conversation on the 21st. Sjon...you can simply email your results to one of us and we'll pass it along to the rest of the gang. Now, this isn't the full version, but it's a start. If you guys like, I can bring a full version of the test to the party.


You don't need to print out the descriptors at the end, I'll bring my crib notes. I guess my psych degree may come in handy after all...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Le Tour de France

The Tour de France kicked off here in London yesterday which still seems a bit bizarre to me but nonetheless, it did. I had a great time watching the time trials.

I ran into my good friend Lance Armstrong and raced him up and down the streets. He was a bit bummed when I beat him across the finish line.

Hope you're all well. Lots happening here that could affect my career at Disney and my residence in London. I'll fill you all in later.


Monday, July 02, 2007

July 21 Barbeque

We are on for the 21st at 1 p.m. Unless there are strong objections, we will be making barbeque ribs as the main course. We can also do some chicken for those not down with the swine.

Looking forward to seeing you all!!

-Clan Taylor