Wish You Were Here

Monday, March 26, 2007

Fun @ Skool

I've been waiting for the day when Mark and I would be able to park right next to the "rookie" history teacher, Jimmy. As part of his initiation into our history department we decided that as soon as we had the opportunity that we were going to pin his truck in...there would be NO way for him to get into his truck. He would be stuck.

Well...it took us over a year and a half...but the time had finally come. Jimmy was tutoring after school as Mark and I hatched our scheme. Jimmy had parked his truck in front of his room...Mark's and my rooms both flanked Jimmy's...we were hoping that he would see us pinning his truck in...but knowing that he was tutoring...he couldn't leave his kids...we were hoping for that "helpless" kind of moment. We even had our other colleague, Hau, directing us...

Jimmy was oblivious. Mark and I had to park and repark and repark our trucks again. Hau was toggling between the two of us, making sure that we didn't hit anything. Jimmy was clueless. Apparently, he was busy trying to teach the kids or something. As soon as the deed was done...Mark and I high-tailed it to my room to watch the drama unfold. It was 3:15...tutoring was over. We could hear Jimmy closing his windows. My windows were open...so we heard Jimmy's boisterous laughter...I ran to get my digital camera. We waited quietly in my room...thinking that Jimmy would come over to tell us that the joke was over and that he appreciated being initiated as our favorite "rookie" history teacher. But alas, our hopes were dashed as we heard Jimmy's Flowmaster revving in the parking lot!!!

We ran out of my back door to find Jimmy inside of his truck. He was attempting to back out...BY HIMSELF! Mark and I flagged him down...how did he get in his truck? There was NO visible room as even I had to climb over my passenger seat just to get out of my truck. At this time, the four of us are doubled over in laughter as we realized that our rookie was pretty darn smart...he broke into his own truck and climbed through the back window. We were had...but I got a picture of it anyway. :) My friends...I wish that EVERY work day could be this fun. The moral of the story? Don't park between two friends...because if you don't have a back window to break in to...well, then basically, you're shit out of luck.


  • At 7:33 AM, March 27, 2007, Blogger Sjonster said…

    Very funny!! Pranks like that make going to work worthwhile. It's been awhile since we had a practical joke in this office. We'll have to think of something.

    Sorry I haven't responded to your email yet. I've been in the middle of my Five Year Plan.

  • At 5:15 PM, March 27, 2007, Blogger Random Talegan said…

    Nice work, toots!

    Sometimes, I get to kick an old widow out of her house in the middle of the night so that I can build something else there. That's fun, too.


  • At 3:49 PM, March 28, 2007, Blogger Maureen said…

    You go girl...it's the little things in life that make us smile, no?


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